Source code for mapie.conformity_scores.residual_conformity_scores

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin, clone
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.utils.validation import (check_is_fitted, check_random_state,

from mapie._machine_precision import EPSILON
from mapie._typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from mapie.conformity_scores import ConformityScore

[docs]class AbsoluteConformityScore(ConformityScore): """ Absolute conformity score. The signed conformity score = y - y_pred. The conformity score is symmetrical. This is appropriate when the confidence interval is symmetrical and its range is approximatively the same over the range of predicted values. """
[docs] def __init__( self, sym: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(sym=sym, consistency_check=True)
[docs] def get_signed_conformity_scores( self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike, ) -> NDArray: """ Compute the signed conformity scores from the predicted values and the observed ones, from the following formula: signed conformity score = y - y_pred """ return np.subtract(y, y_pred)
[docs] def get_estimation_distribution( self, X: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike, conformity_scores: ArrayLike ) -> NDArray: """ Compute samples of the estimation distribution from the predicted values and the conformity scores, from the following formula: signed conformity score = y - y_pred <=> y = y_pred + signed conformity score ``conformity_scores`` can be either the conformity scores or the quantile of the conformity scores. """ return np.add(y_pred, conformity_scores)
[docs]class GammaConformityScore(ConformityScore): """ Gamma conformity score. The signed conformity score = (y - y_pred) / y_pred. The conformity score is not symmetrical. This is appropriate when the confidence interval is not symmetrical and its range depends on the predicted values. Like the Gamma distribution, its support is limited to strictly positive reals. """
[docs] def __init__( self, sym: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(sym=sym, consistency_check=False, eps=EPSILON)
def _check_observed_data( self, y: ArrayLike, ) -> None: if not self._all_strictly_positive(y): raise ValueError( f"At least one of the observed target is negative " f"which is incompatible with {self.__class__.__name__}. " "All values must be strictly positive, " "in conformity with the Gamma distribution support." ) def _check_predicted_data( self, y_pred: ArrayLike, ) -> None: if not self._all_strictly_positive(y_pred): raise ValueError( f"At least one of the predicted target is negative " f"which is incompatible with {self.__class__.__name__}. " "All values must be strictly positive, " "in conformity with the Gamma distribution support." ) @staticmethod def _all_strictly_positive( y: ArrayLike, ) -> bool: return not np.any(np.less_equal(y, 0))
[docs] def get_signed_conformity_scores( self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike, ) -> NDArray: """ Compute the signed conformity scores from the observed values and the predicted ones, from the following formula: signed conformity score = (y - y_pred) / y_pred """ self._check_observed_data(y) self._check_predicted_data(y_pred) return np.divide(np.subtract(y, y_pred), y_pred)
[docs] def get_estimation_distribution( self, X: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike, conformity_scores: ArrayLike ) -> NDArray: """ Compute samples of the estimation distribution from the predicted values and the conformity scores, from the following formula: signed conformity score = (y - y_pred) / y_pred <=> y = y_pred * (1 + signed conformity score) ``conformity_scores`` can be either the conformity scores or the quantile of the conformity scores. """ self._check_predicted_data(y_pred) return np.multiply(y_pred, np.add(1, conformity_scores))
[docs]class ResidualNormalisedScore(ConformityScore): """ Residual Normalised score. The signed conformity score = (|y - y_pred|) / r_pred. r_pred being the predicted residual (|y - y_pred|) of the base estimator. It is calculated by a model that learns to predict these residuals. The learning is done with the log of the residual and we use the exponential of the prediction to avoid negative values. The conformity score is symmetrical and allows the calculation of adaptive prediction intervals (taking X into account). It is possible to use it only with split and prefit methods (not with cross methods). Warning : if the estimator provided is not fitted a subset of the calibration data will be used to fit the model (20% by default). Parameters ---------- residual_estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] The model that learns to predict the residuals of the base estimator. It can be any regressor with scikit-learn API (i.e. with ``fit`` and ``predict`` methods). If ``None``, estimator defaults to a ``LinearRegression`` instance. prefit: bool Specify if the ``residual_estimator`` is already fitted or not. By default ``False``. split_size: Optional[Union[int, float]] The proportion of data that is used to fit the ``residual_estimator``. By default it is the default value of ``sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split`` ie 0.2. random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] Pseudo random number used for random sampling. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls. By default ``None``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, residual_estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] = None, prefit: bool = False, split_size: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, sym: bool = True, consistency_check: bool = False ) -> None: super().__init__(sym=sym, consistency_check=consistency_check) self.prefit = prefit self.residual_estimator = residual_estimator self.split_size = split_size self.random_state = random_state
def _check_estimator( self, estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] = None ) -> RegressorMixin: """ Check if estimator is ``None``, and returns a ``LinearRegression`` instance if necessary. If the ``prefit`` attribute is ``True``, check if estimator is indeed already fitted. Parameters ---------- estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] Estimator to check, by default ``None``. Returns ------- RegressorMixin The estimator itself or a default ``LinearRegression`` instance. Raises ------ ValueError If the estimator is not ``None`` and has no ``fit`` nor ``predict`` methods. NotFittedError If the estimator is not fitted and ``prefit`` attribute is ``True``. """ if estimator is None: return LinearRegression() else: if not (hasattr(estimator, "fit") and hasattr(estimator, "predict")): raise ValueError( "Invalid estimator. " "Please provide a regressor with fit and predict methods." ) if self.prefit: if isinstance(estimator, Pipeline): check_is_fitted(estimator[-1]) else: check_is_fitted(estimator) return estimator def _check_parameters( self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray, RegressorMixin, Union[int, np.random.RandomState]]: """ Checks all the parameters of the class. Raises an error if the parameter are not well defined. Parameters ---------- X: ArrayLike Observed values. y: ArrayLike Target values. y_pred: ArrayLike Predicted targets. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray, RegressorMixin] Well initiated and typed : - X - y - y_pred - residual_estimator - random_state """ residual_estimator = self._check_estimator( self.residual_estimator ) random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) X, y, y_pred = indexable(X, y, y_pred) X = np.array(X) y = np.array(y) y_pred = np.array(y_pred) return X, y, y_pred, residual_estimator, random_state def _fit_residual_estimator( self, residual_estimator_: RegressorMixin, X: NDArray, y: NDArray, y_pred: NDArray, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """ Fit the residual estimator and returns the indexes used for the training of the base estimator and those needed for the calibration. Parameters ---------- X: NDArray All the observed values used in the general fit. y: NDArray All the observed targets used in the general fit. y_pred: NDArray Predicted targets. Returns ------- RegressorMixin Fitted residual estimator """ residuals = np.abs(np.subtract(y, y_pred)) targets = np.log(np.maximum( residuals, np.full(residuals.shape, self.eps) )) residual_estimator_ =, targets) return residual_estimator_ def _predict_residual_estimator( self, X: ArrayLike ) -> NDArray: """ Returns the predictions of the residual estimator. Raises a warning if the model predicts neagtive values. Parameters ---------- X: ArrayLike Observed value to predict from. Returns ------- NDArray Predicted residuals. Raises ------ Warning If the model predicts negative values as they are later thresholded at self.eps. The model preffited should be trained with the log of the residuals and predict the exponential of the predictions. """ pred = self.residual_estimator_.predict(X) if self.prefit and np.any(pred < 0): warnings.warn( "WARNING: The residual model predicts negative values, " + "they are later thresholded at self.eps." "The model preffited should be trained with the log of " + "the residuals and his predict method should return " + "the exponential of the predictions." ) return pred
[docs] def get_signed_conformity_scores( self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike ) -> NDArray: """ Computes the signed conformity score = (y - y_pred) / r_pred. r_pred being the predicted residual (y - y_pred) of the estimator. It is calculated by a model (``residual_estimator_``) that learns to predict this residual. The learning is done with the log of the residual and later we use the exponential of the prediction to avoid negative values. """ (X, y, y_pred, self.residual_estimator_, random_state) = self._check_parameters(X, y, y_pred) full_indexes = np.argwhere( np.logical_not(np.isnan(y_pred)) ).reshape((-1,)) if not self.prefit: cal_indexes, res_indexes = train_test_split( full_indexes, test_size=self.split_size, random_state=random_state, ) self.residual_estimator_ = self._fit_residual_estimator( clone(self.residual_estimator_), X[res_indexes], y[res_indexes], y_pred[res_indexes] ) residuals_pred = np.maximum( np.exp(self._predict_residual_estimator(X[cal_indexes])), self.eps ) else: cal_indexes = full_indexes residuals_pred = np.maximum( self._predict_residual_estimator(X[cal_indexes]), self.eps ) signed_conformity_scores = np.divide( np.subtract(y[cal_indexes], y_pred[cal_indexes]), residuals_pred ) # reconstruct array with nan and conformity scores complete_signed_cs = np.full( y_pred.shape, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=float ) complete_signed_cs[cal_indexes] = signed_conformity_scores return complete_signed_cs
[docs] def get_estimation_distribution( self, X: ArrayLike, y_pred: ArrayLike, conformity_scores: ArrayLike ) -> NDArray: """ Compute samples of the estimation distribution from the predicted values and the conformity scores, from the following formula: ``y_pred + conformity_scores * r_pred``. The learning has been done with the log of the residual so we use the exponential of the prediction to avoid negative values. ``conformity_scores`` can be either the conformity scores or the quantile of the conformity scores. """ r_pred = self._predict_residual_estimator(X).reshape((-1, 1)) if not self.prefit: return np.add( y_pred, np.multiply(conformity_scores, np.exp(r_pred)) ) else: return np.add(y_pred, np.multiply(conformity_scores, r_pred))