Source code for mapie.regression.regression

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import BaseCrossValidator
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.validation import _check_y, check_is_fitted, indexable

from mapie._typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from mapie.conformity_scores import ConformityScore, ResidualNormalisedScore
from mapie.estimator.estimator import EnsembleRegressor
from mapie.utils import (check_alpha, check_alpha_and_n_samples,
                         check_conformity_score, check_cv,
                         check_estimator_fit_predict, check_n_features_in,
                         check_n_jobs, check_null_weight, check_verbose)

[docs]class MapieRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """ Prediction interval with out-of-fold conformity scores. This class implements the jackknife+ strategy and its variations for estimating prediction intervals on single-output data. The idea is to evaluate out-of-fold conformity scores (signed residuals, absolute residuals, residuals normalized by the predicted mean...) on hold-out validation sets and to deduce valid confidence intervals with strong theoretical guarantees. Parameters ---------- estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] Any regressor with scikit-learn API (i.e. with ``fit`` and ``predict`` methods). If ``None``, estimator defaults to a ``LinearRegression`` instance. By default ``None``. method: str Method to choose for prediction interval estimates. Choose among: - ``"naive"``, based on training set conformity scores, - ``"base"``, based on validation sets conformity scores, - ``"plus"``, based on validation conformity scores and testing predictions, - ``"minmax"``, based on validation conformity scores and testing predictions (min/max among cross-validation clones). By default ``"plus"``. cv: Optional[Union[int, str, BaseCrossValidator]] The cross-validation strategy for computing conformity scores. It directly drives the distinction between jackknife and cv variants. Choose among: - ``None``, to use the default 5-fold cross-validation - integer, to specify the number of folds. If equal to ``-1``, equivalent to ``sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneOut()``. - CV splitter: any ``sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrossValidator`` Main variants are: - ``sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneOut`` (jackknife), - ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold`` (cross-validation), - ``subsample.Subsample`` object (bootstrap). - ``"split"``, does not involve cross-validation but a division of the data into training and calibration subsets. The splitter used is the following: ``sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit``. ``method`` parameter is set to ``"base"``. - ``"prefit"``, assumes that ``estimator`` has been fitted already, and the ``method`` parameter is set to ``"base"``. All data provided in the ``fit`` method is then used for computing conformity scores only. At prediction time, quantiles of these conformity scores are used to provide a prediction interval with fixed width. The user has to take care manually that data for model fitting and conformity scores estimate are disjoint. By default ``None``. test_size: Optional[Union[int, float]] If ``float``, should be between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If ``int``, represents the absolute number of test samples. If ``None``, it will be set to ``0.1``. If cv is not ``"split"``, ``test_size`` is ignored. By default ``None``. n_jobs: Optional[int] Number of jobs for parallel processing using joblib via the "locky" backend. If ``-1`` all CPUs are used. If ``1`` is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For ``n_jobs`` below ``-1``, ``(n_cpus + 1 - n_jobs)`` are used. ``None`` is a marker for `unset` that will be interpreted as ``n_jobs=1`` (sequential execution). By default ``None``. agg_function: Optional[str] Determines how to aggregate predictions from perturbed models, both at training and prediction time. If ``None``, it is ignored except if ``cv`` class is ``Subsample``, in which case an error is raised. If ``"mean"`` or ``"median"``, returns the mean or median of the predictions computed from the out-of-folds models. Note: if you plan to set the ``ensemble`` argument to ``True`` in the ``predict`` method, you have to specify an aggregation function. Otherwise an error would be raised. The Jackknife+ interval can be interpreted as an interval around the median prediction, and is guaranteed to lie inside the interval, unlike the single estimator predictions. When the cross-validation strategy is ``Subsample`` (i.e. for the Jackknife+-after-Bootstrap method), this function is also used to aggregate the training set in-sample predictions. If ``cv`` is ``"prefit"`` or ``"split"``, ``agg_function`` is ignored. By default ``"mean"``. verbose: int The verbosity level, used with joblib for multiprocessing. The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level. If it more than ``10``, all iterations are reported. Above ``50``, the output is sent to stdout. By default ``0``. conformity_score: Optional[ConformityScore] ConformityScore instance. It defines the link between the observed values, the predicted ones and the conformity scores. For instance, the default ``None`` value correspondonds to a conformity score which assumes y_obs = y_pred + conformity_score. - ``None``, to use the default ``AbsoluteConformityScore`` conformity score - ConformityScore: any ``ConformityScore`` class By default ``None``. random_state: Optional[Union[int, RandomState]] Pseudo random number generator state used for random sampling. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls. By default ``None``. Attributes ---------- valid_methods_: List[str] List of all valid methods. estimator_: EnsembleRegressor Sklearn estimator that handle all that is related to the estimator. conformity_scores_: ArrayLike of shape (n_samples_train,) Conformity scores between ``y_train`` and ``y_pred``. n_features_in_: int Number of features passed to the ``fit`` method. References ---------- Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candès, Aaditya Ramdas, and Ryan J. Tibshirani. "Predictive inference with the jackknife+." Ann. Statist., 49(1):486-507, February 2021. Byol Kim, Chen Xu, and Rina Foygel Barber. "Predictive Inference Is Free with the Jackknife+-after-Bootstrap." 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020). Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from mapie.regression import MapieRegressor >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression >>> X_toy = np.array([[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]) >>> y_toy = np.array([5, 7.5, 9.5, 10.5, 12.5, 15]) >>> clf = LinearRegression().fit(X_toy, y_toy) >>> mapie_reg = MapieRegressor(estimator=clf, cv="prefit") >>> mapie_reg =, y_toy) >>> y_pred, y_pis = mapie_reg.predict(X_toy, alpha=0.5) >>> print(y_pis[:, :, 0]) [[ 4.95714286 5.61428571] [ 6.84285714 7.5 ] [ 8.72857143 9.38571429] [10.61428571 11.27142857] [12.5 13.15714286] [14.38571429 15.04285714]] >>> print(y_pred) [ 5.28571429 7.17142857 9.05714286 10.94285714 12.82857143 14.71428571] """ cv_need_agg_function_ = ["Subsample"] no_agg_cv_ = ["prefit", "split"] valid_methods_ = ["naive", "base", "plus", "minmax"] no_agg_methods_ = ["naive", "base"] valid_agg_functions_ = [None, "median", "mean"] ensemble_agg_functions_ = ["median", "mean"] default_sym_ = True fit_attributes = [ "estimator_", "conformity_scores_", "conformity_score_function_", "n_features_in_", ]
[docs] def __init__( self, estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] = None, method: str = "plus", cv: Optional[Union[int, str, BaseCrossValidator]] = None, test_size: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, agg_function: Optional[str] = "mean", verbose: int = 0, conformity_score: Optional[ConformityScore] = None, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, ) -> None: self.estimator = estimator self.method = method = cv self.test_size = test_size self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.agg_function = agg_function self.verbose = verbose self.conformity_score = conformity_score self.random_state = random_state
def _check_parameters(self) -> None: """ Perform several checks on input parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If parameters are not valid. """ self._check_method(self.method) check_n_jobs(self.n_jobs) check_verbose(self.verbose) check_random_state(self.random_state) def _check_method( self, method: str ) -> str: """ Check if ``method`` is correct. Parameters ---------- method: str Method's name to check. Returns ------- str ``method`` itself. Raises ------ ValueError If ``method`` is not in ``self.valid_methods_``. """ if method not in self.valid_methods_: raise ValueError( f"Invalid method. Allowed values are {self.valid_methods_}." ) else: return method def _check_agg_function( self, agg_function: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """ Check if ``agg_function`` is correct, and consistent with other arguments. Parameters ---------- agg_function: Optional[str] Aggregation function's name to check, by default ``None``. Returns ------- str ``agg_function`` itself or ``"mean"``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``agg_function`` is not in [``None``, ``"mean"``, ``"median"``], or is ``None`` while cv class is in ``cv_need_agg_function_``. """ if agg_function not in self.valid_agg_functions_: raise ValueError( "Invalid aggregation function. " f"Allowed values are '{self.valid_agg_functions_}'." ) elif (agg_function is None) and ( type( in self.cv_need_agg_function_ ): raise ValueError( "You need to specify an aggregation function when " f"cv's type is in {self.cv_need_agg_function_}." ) elif agg_function is not None: return agg_function else: return "mean" def _check_estimator( self, estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] = None ) -> RegressorMixin: """ Check if estimator is ``None``, and returns a ``LinearRegression`` instance if necessary. If the ``cv`` attribute is ``"prefit"``, check if estimator is indeed already fitted. Parameters ---------- estimator: Optional[RegressorMixin] Estimator to check, by default ``None``. Returns ------- RegressorMixin The estimator itself or a default ``LinearRegression`` instance. Raises ------ ValueError If the estimator is not ``None`` and has no ``fit`` nor ``predict`` methods. NotFittedError If the estimator is not fitted and ``cv`` attribute is ``"prefit"``. """ if estimator is None: return LinearRegression() else: check_estimator_fit_predict(estimator) if == "prefit": if isinstance(estimator, Pipeline): check_is_fitted(estimator[-1]) else: check_is_fitted(estimator) return estimator def _check_ensemble( self, ensemble: bool, ) -> None: """ Check if ``ensemble`` is ``False`` and if ``self.agg_function`` is ``None``. Else raise error. Parameters ---------- ensemble: bool ``ensemble`` argument to check the coherennce with ``self.agg_function``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``ensemble`` is ``True`` and ``self.agg_function`` is ``None``. """ if ensemble and (self.agg_function is None): raise ValueError( "If ensemble is True, the aggregation function has to be " f"in '{self.ensemble_agg_functions_}'." ) def _check_fit_parameters( self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, sample_weight: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, groups: Optional[ArrayLike] = None ): """ Perform several checks on class parameters. Parameters ---------- X: ArrayLike Observed values. y: ArrayLike Target values. sample_weight: Optional[NDArray] of shape (n_samples,) Non-null sample weights. groups: Optional[ArrayLike] of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. By default ``None``. Raises ------ ValueError If conformity score is FittedResidualNormalizing score and method is neither ``"prefit"`` or ``"split"``. ValueError If ``cv`` is `"prefit"`` or ``"split"`` and ``method`` is not ``"base"``. """ # Checking self._check_parameters() cv = check_cv(, test_size=self.test_size, random_state=self.random_state ) if in ["split", "prefit"] and self.method != "base": self.method = "base" estimator = self._check_estimator(self.estimator) agg_function = self._check_agg_function(self.agg_function) cs_estimator = check_conformity_score( self.conformity_score, self.default_sym_ ) if isinstance(cs_estimator, ResidualNormalisedScore) and \ not in ["split", "prefit"]: raise ValueError( "The ResidualNormalisedScore can be used only with " "``cv='split'`` and ``cv='prefit'``" ) X, y = indexable(X, y) y = _check_y(y) sample_weight, X, y = check_null_weight(sample_weight, X, y) self.n_features_in_ = check_n_features_in(X) # Casting cv = cast(BaseCrossValidator, cv) estimator = cast(RegressorMixin, estimator) cs_estimator = cast(ConformityScore, cs_estimator) agg_function = cast(Optional[str], agg_function) X = cast(NDArray, X) y = cast(NDArray, y) sample_weight = cast(Optional[NDArray], sample_weight) groups = cast(Optional[NDArray], groups) return ( estimator, cs_estimator, agg_function, cv, X, y, sample_weight, groups )
[docs] def fit( self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, sample_weight: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, groups: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, **fit_params, ) -> MapieRegressor: """ Fit estimator and compute conformity scores used for prediction intervals. All the types of estimator (single or cross validated ones) are encapsulated under EnsembleRegressor. Parameters ---------- X: ArrayLike of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. y: ArrayLike of shape (n_samples,) Training labels. sample_weight: Optional[ArrayLike] of shape (n_samples,) Sample weights for fitting the out-of-fold models. If ``None``, then samples are equally weighted. If some weights are null, their corresponding observations are removed before the fitting process and hence have no conformity scores. If weights are non-uniform, conformity scores are still uniformly weighted. By default ``None``. groups: Optional[ArrayLike] of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. By default ``None``. **fit_params : dict Additional fit parameters. Returns ------- MapieRegressor The model itself. """ # Checks (estimator, self.conformity_score_function_, agg_function, cv, X, y, sample_weight, groups) = self._check_fit_parameters(X, y, sample_weight, groups) self.estimator_ = EnsembleRegressor( estimator, self.method, cv, agg_function, self.n_jobs, self.random_state, self.test_size, self.verbose ) # Fit the prediction function self.estimator_ = X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups, **fit_params ) # Predict on calibration data y_pred = self.estimator_.predict_calib(X, y=y, groups=groups) # Compute the conformity scores (manage jk-ab case) self.conformity_scores_ = \ self.conformity_score_function_.get_conformity_scores( X, y, y_pred ) return self
[docs] def predict( self, X: ArrayLike, ensemble: bool = False, alpha: Optional[Union[float, Iterable[float]]] = None, optimize_beta: bool = False, allow_infinite_bounds: bool = False, ) -> Union[NDArray, Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]]: """ Predict target on new samples with confidence intervals. Conformity scores from the training set and predictions from the model clones are central to the computation. Prediction Intervals for a given ``alpha`` are deduced from either - quantiles of conformity scores (``naive`` and ``base`` methods), - quantiles of (predictions +/- conformity scores) (``plus`` method), - quantiles of (max/min(predictions) +/- conformity scores) (``minmax`` method). Parameters ---------- X: ArrayLike of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test data. ensemble: bool Boolean determining whether the predictions are ensembled or not. If ``False``, predictions are those of the model trained on the whole training set. If ``True``, predictions from perturbed models are aggregated by the aggregation function specified in the ``agg_function`` attribute. If ``cv`` is ``"prefit"`` or ``"split"``, ``ensemble`` is ignored. By default ``False``. alpha: Optional[Union[float, Iterable[float]]] Can be a float, a list of floats, or a ``ArrayLike`` of floats. Between ``0`` and ``1``, represents the uncertainty of the confidence interval. Lower ``alpha`` produce larger (more conservative) prediction intervals. ``alpha`` is the complement of the target coverage level. By default ``None``. optimize_beta: bool Whether to optimize the PIs' width or not. By default ``False``. allow_infinite_bounds: bool Allow infinite prediction intervals to be produced. Returns ------- Union[NDArray, Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]] - NDArray of shape (n_samples,) if ``alpha`` is ``None``. - Tuple[NDArray, NDArray] of shapes (n_samples,) and (n_samples, 2, n_alpha) if ``alpha`` is not ``None``. - [:, 0, :]: Lower bound of the prediction interval. - [:, 1, :]: Upper bound of the prediction interval. """ # Checks check_is_fitted(self, self.fit_attributes) self._check_ensemble(ensemble) alpha = cast(Optional[NDArray], check_alpha(alpha)) if alpha is None: y_pred = self.estimator_.predict( X, ensemble, return_multi_pred=False ) return np.array(y_pred) else: if optimize_beta and self.method != 'enbpi': warnings.warn( "WARNING: Beta optimisation should only be used for " "method='enbpi'.", UserWarning ) alpha_np = cast(NDArray, alpha) if not allow_infinite_bounds: n = len(self.conformity_scores_) check_alpha_and_n_samples(alpha_np, n) y_pred, y_pred_low, y_pred_up = \ self.conformity_score_function_.get_bounds( X, self.estimator_, self.conformity_scores_, alpha_np, ensemble=ensemble, method=self.method, optimize_beta=optimize_beta ) return np.array(y_pred), np.stack([y_pred_low, y_pred_up], axis=1)